Monday, October 1, 2007

Jim Carey Pastors

I'm recovering from a busy first half semester, and thought i'd get back to writing. (to kayleigh) hi sweetie. I'm a little tired. Now going on six years of formal biblical education and about as long interning and what not in various church positions--i'm tired. Specifically i'm tired of the masks. I'm really tired of self-righteous delusional power/attention hungry misfits who continually pimp out their God given calling to feel like the celebrity they'll never be. After continually seeing guys playing the role of super christian ultra leader while ignoring the evident crap going on in their own life, it's like the 5 year old who thinks he can fly because he's wearing a 15$ halloween costume. It's cheap, fake and easy to recognize. The scary thing about it is, these guys actually think they're super heroes, then they get shot at and the bullets don't bounce off. And the entire kingom of God suffers. Let's all stop, take off our masks and knock off the act. It's repulsive and embarassing.


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