Friday, January 11, 2008

5 things I Couldn't live without

1. coffee
2. laptop
3. cell phone
4. levis
5. bible (more idealistic than realistic, but i'm working on it)

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Blessed Life

I am a horrible person, and I've long neglected my blog-i think that's ok, because kayleigh is the only one who reads it, and she gets enough of my drivel on a person to person basis. My friends from school have started a co-op blog @, so check it out, they are smarter than me, although I occasionally contribute (my posts are characterized by profanity laced tirades and nudity) Anyways, I'll be making more of an effort to keep this up and running this year. I spent Christmas in South Dakota with Kay's family and it was possibly the best Christmas I've ever had. I hear alot of people bemoan their signifigant others' family, and I feel blessed to have no idea where they are coming from. Aside from Kay's three wonderful sisters who are great to be around, her parents are two of the best people I've ever been around. I really respect the kind of father and husband her dad is, and I'll be lucky if I'm half of the guy he is. Her mother is one of the kindest people in the world, and makes it obvious as to where Kay gets her sweet disposition from. Her sisters are equally great. Lauren is exteremly talented, funny and smart, and has a really bright future in front of her, not matter what she decides to do. Madison is a great sister to Kayleigh, and one of the funniest people I've ever met. Hannah has more energy than one person probably should, but is still alot of fun. I feel very blessed to have these people in my life.


you can find me: