Monday, November 10, 2008

Men Leading Out

God is very clear that Men were built to lead.  We were made to lead our families and God's church toward Jesus.  Unfortunately, we have neglected both of these divine Mandates in a major way.  This is not to say that women are not amazing, capable and talented because they are all of those things.  This is aimed specifically at men.  Why aren't we leading and what are the consequences of our sin?  I've read the books and the studies that tell of the "man vacum" in the church, but it hit home in a major way last thursday.  We had the quarterly diocesan youth ministry meeting where all of the youth pastors in upper South Carolina get together and meet.  There were eleven of us there.  Out of the 11 there, only four were men and one of those guys is gay. (another post for another time)  Where are all the men?  I'm not saying that the only way men can be spiritual leaders is to be on staff on a church, but I am saying that for the most part, men in our country have abdicated our role as spiritual leaders within our families and within our local churches.  Most men either aren't leading any where, or they are pouring their leadership energy into their job.  Being faithful at work is Godly, but when work overtakes your family on your priority list, then you've fallen into the sin of idolatry.  A lot of men don't plug in to lead at church because they put in 80 hour work weeks to keep their families in a sweet lifestyle.  When did getting our families stuff become spiritual leadership?  We've (men) almost completely abandoned leading ministries, writing it off as "something for the women to do".  There are many men who do faithfully lead at church, but the numbers speak loudly to us.  The majority of men are not being spiritual leaders within their families and communities.  Anytime we forsake mandates God places on us, the consequences are horrible, both for us and those we are responsible for.  Men, let's step up and lead. 


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