Monday, October 27, 2008

what a week

This last week has been trying.  I don't write this to somehow make my minute problems important, even on my worst week, I understand I'm better off than 90% of the world simply because of where I live, I write this only to entertain the reader with my inconviences.  I got a nasty case of bronchitis this past week.  It hit me hard on Sunday.  I had a fever, congestion, ear, throat, it was nasty.  Just as I was feeling better saturday, I woke up at 4 Sunday morning with severe nasea and went to the bathroom and proceeded to vomit for 4 hours on and off.  I was vomiting 100% pure snot that had drained into my stomach.  I thought about snapping a picture with my dash to post on the blog, but didn't have the energy to pull my convulsing body off the floor to get it.  I finally passed out after my stomach blew it's nose through my mouth, only to be awakened by my wife calling me from church (I didn't go, vomitsnot in the communion chalice is looked down upon) to tell me that I was not the only member of our family who was not functioning correctly.  Her volvo wouldn't start and she was stranded at Church.  So, a Dr.'s visit, perscription medicine and a new battery/rebuilt altrenator later we've seen our bank account mirror the stock market and crash.  Fourtunanlty we've been smart and saved and we aren't in trouble. (I also have a grandfather who is always there to help us financially when we need it) Then upon walking into work this morning for the first time since thurday, I was greeted by about 20 rapidly fraying loose ends and a man with a ponytail named leslie who was cutting a huge hole in the back wall of my office. (they are adding another door to it)  It's been a crazy few days.  

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Two months into my time @ christ church, a fear has begun to creep into my mind. That fear is birthed out of some early success. In the short time I've been here, I've built some good relationships with students, parents and volunteers. We've seen a marked increase in attendance, wednesday nights are entertaining, and there has been nothing but positive feedback about the changes in the ministry. The fear in me is rooted in the way we could grow. There is a part of me that worries that we will be a group that comes together and has fun, without ever knowing the treasure that is the kingdom of god. My soul is wrestling the with the fact that I have to completely rely on the presence of god in regards to everything, but specifically in the growth od our students. I pray that the Holy Spirit moves powerfully to impact lives through the Gospel of Jesus. I pray that we grow deeply and profoundly into Christ.


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