Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Money has always been a scary issue for me. That's probably because I'm bad at math and spend too much of it. Jesus talks about money consistently in the Gospels because it's importance and ability to own us. Money is spiritual, and because we have been called to lead people in how they manage their money, it's important that we manage it well ourselves. Last month, we made our last credit card payment and are 100% out of debt. We don't have car payments, student loans, we rent, and have zero credit card debt. I'm not going back! The freedom we walk in financially now has been like a burden lifted off of me. There is still a strong tug for stuff I feel that got me into credit card trouble in the first place, and a strong desire within me to push back on that. I'm thankful for the many blessings God has given us to allow my family some financial freedom, and I pray that we will obey God in how he calls us to use what he has blessed us with.

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